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Quartzite Color

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Quartzite Color
Quartzite is one kind of natural stone, initially denoted as Sandstone; latter Quartzite, is basically a hard metamorphic rock formed by the metamorphism of quartz stones. When methodical heating and pressure in terms of tectonic compression within ergogenic belts is applied, sandstone transforms into quartzite. Due to the presence of varying quantities of iron oxide, its colour varies from pink to red, or else in the pure form of quartzite the colour ranges from white to grey. It is highly resistant to chemical weathering and often forms crests and resistant pinnacles.

The famous quartzite colors include pink quartzite, white quartzite, green quartzite, grey quartzite, brown quartzite etc. from India quartzite quarry, Brazil quartzite quarry, Italy quartzite quarry etc. Quartzite products include quartzite tiles for flooing and wall, quartzite pavers, quartzite mosaic, quartzite mushroom stone, quartzite wall cladding, irregular quartzite flagstone, quartzite countertop and table top etc.
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