Marmoleria Villara

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Company: Marmoleria Villara
Location: Argentina Argentina Type: Stone Supplier
Language: English

Contact Information
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Telephone: (54 11) 4855-7845
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Company Profile

Marmoleria VillarĂ¡ with more than 50 years of experience in the construction activity, attended by its owners, with their own workshops in Jorge Newbery 4776 Capital Federal (Chacarita). Producing craftsmanship of first quality, with our designs or suggested by the client.

We specialize in custom work (kitchens, bathrooms, homes, stairs, decoration, cladding, etc.) we have technical assistance by professionals solving and giving alternatives in their projects.
Taking measures on site, deliveries in time and form, placement according to the customer's requirement, and above a ...... learn more

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