Monico Limited

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Company: Monico Limited
Original: Bangladesh Bangladesh
Type: Construction Company

Contact Information
Contact Person: Engr. Md. Shamsul Arefeen
Telephone: +880-2-8152910, 8159551, 9145261, 9134439 Ext 120
Fax: +880-2-8159761
Email: email is protected
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Monico Limited Profile

We are the 2nd largest construction company in Bangladesh. Monico Limited was established in 1985. Since its inception the firm has been providing quality services in various sectors of Bangladesh. By now it has gained a high position in the construction industries with an enviable reputation because of honest, sincere, reliable and quality services in Roads and Highways, Bridges, Regulatory Structures, Land Development, Industrial Buildings, Multi-storied Residential Buildings, Factory Buildings, Pre-fabricated Buildings, Irrigation and Flood Control Projects.

Monico Limited is Bangladesh stone buyer and importer. Monico Limited buy stone products from different countries.

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