Monwara Traders

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Company: Monwara Traders
Original: Bangladesh Bangladesh
Type: Trading Company, Stone Importer

Contact Information
Contact Person: Polash
Telephone: 01732593140
Mobile: 01732593140
Verified Web:
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Monwara Traders Profile

We are directly import black stone chips from India via sonamosjid land port.

Monwara Traders is Bangladesh stone buyer and importer. Monwara Traders buy stone products from different countries.

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Elham Kamali from Iran comment on 2017/10/4 This is Tara Stone Company. We are manufacturer of slabs & tiles such as Travertine Stone, Marble stone, Onyx Stone, Pietra Gray Stone and the others in various sizes. Please contact us and be sure you will have a good deal, because there is not any agent between us, and our products are really exclusive with high quality. Our companys email is, and our mobile is 00989136018269
Tara Stone Company
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