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Rida Stone

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Company: Rida Stone
Original: China China

Contact Information
Contact Person:
Telephone: 0086 592 2686666
Fax: 0086 592 2681166
Email: shy@ridastone.com
Verified Web: www.ridastone.com
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Rida Stone Profile

We are specializing in importing stone materials, and make it finished products wich are mainly exported to Korea and south-east Asia and so on. The line of dealing with are marbles such as Emerador Dark and Light, Limestone, Galala Beige, Crema Marfil, Botticino and so on.

Rida Stone is China stone buyer and importer. Rida Stone buy stone products from different countries.

New Comments on Rida Stone More Comments
Your Name:
Madhu from India comment on 2019/2/26 We have Black Granite query in india. we are looking for buyers who can export granite to other countries. if you are interested details please email ygms.reddy@gmail.com. I will provide details
Babaei from Iran comment on 2018/6/11 Hello

I have Onyx Slab do you buy from Iran ?
Mrs.Banu from Türkiye comment on 2018/2/27 Dear Sir/Madam; we are producer and we have own quarry i want to show you our natural stone . it is space grey marble i m sure that you will love it . please contact with me as soon as possible.
best wishes
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