Stone Inspiration Sdn Bhd

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Company: Stone Inspiration Sdn Bhd
Original: Malaysia Malaysia
Type: Showroom

Contact Information
Contact Person: Edmund Fu
Telephone: 0060 3 7877 8588, 006 012 321 2688(Mobile)
Fax: 0060 3 7877 5188
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Stone Inspiration Sdn Bhd Profile

Specialist in vast variety of natural stones: marble, granite, sandstone, pebble wash, solnhofener stone, terracotta and glass mosaic.

Our New Product Range which we launched in 2010 is the

Expects in customizing stone pieces for staircases. colums, kitchen tops, vanity tops and other special requirements.

Stone Inspiration Sdn Bhd is Malaysia stone buyer and importer. Stone Inspiration Sdn Bhd buy stone products from different countries.

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