StoneCon Aps

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Company: StoneCon Aps
Location: Denmark Denmark Type: Stone Supplier
Language: English

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Telephone: +45 62 20 88 40
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Company Profile

StoneCon delivers all types of natural stones, suited for out and indoor construction.
StoneCon is the exclusive distributor in Scandinavia of the unique Vals Quartzite from Switzerland.
StoneCon offers Alta, Offerdal, Oppdal and Otta

Erik Reinholdt established the company StoneCon Aps in 2001.
Erik Reinholdt has in more than 20 years worked with all processes in a natural stone production company. After this Erik wanted to make use of his many years of knowledge and experience, to connect the clients needs and demands with the best possible solution for the job. This is w ...... learn more

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