


Epoxy resin adhesive for Stone Slab Back Screen Net

Category: Stone Tools - Stone Adhesives Cheap Price   Price

Location: China 106 Views   Views

Brand: 5 Likes   Likes

Features/Advantages :
1. Good adhesion after forming a network structure between molecules after curing
2. After the product is cured, the glue layer is crystal clear.
3. high gloss
4. low smell
5. the stimulation is small, convenient construction operation.
6. high bonding strength
7. strong adhesion
8. excellent aging resistance
9. the rubber layer is good for yellowing resistance
10. the product meets the GB18583 standard, the EU ROHS directive standard, is a green product

Usage Instructions:
1. The plate is heated or ventilated to remove moisture.
2. Use a brush or a rag to remove dust, scum and other impurities from the surface of the stone.
3. Evenly spread the glass fiber mesh on the surface of the stone slab.
4. Mix the rubber in a ratio of A:B2:1 (weight ratio) and mix well.
5. Pour the glue to the surface of the stone, scrape the glue with a squeegee knife, and apply the glue evenly on the surface of the stone, so that the glass fiber mesh is completely wetted by the glue and pasted on the surface of the stone slab.
6. under normal temperature conditions, generally should be in the next step after the adhesive layer is cured for 24 hours.

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