Greek Marble Products Exports Growth - February 2020

The coronavirus pandemic first appeared in Greece in the end of February 2020. But the effects of its outbreak and spread globally were obvious still since January. Trade was the sector mostly hit all over the world in many of its divisions. This article will show how Greece's marble export trade was affected in February.
after collecting, studying and editing the statistical data provided by Eurostat, is presenting Greece's marble products exports growth in February 2020 in comparison with January 2020 and February 2019, both for marble blocks and slabs and finished marble products in value and quantity of exports.
Greece's marble blocks and slabs export value in February 2020 decreased by -38.68 in comparison with previous year's February export value, followed also by a decrease of -20.41 in quantity of exports. But the greatest loss was recorded between January and February 2020, -42.89 in export value and -29.51 in quantity of exports. Things were better for finished marble products exports, Greece managed to surpass the difficulties and increased its export value by half compared to January 2020, followed by a 20.03 rise in quantity of exports. Positive growth also for finished marble products exports after the comparison between February 2020 and 2019.
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