


How to Maintain your Cultured Stone

Category: Maintenance Experience Updated: 2023/11/16 Views  Views: 71       Likes  Likes: 5

Cultured stone is more prone to wear than natural stone, which is a tradeoff for its lower cost. So, you'll want to take a few important steps to protect the longevity of your investment.

Consider applying a breathable sealer over the cultured stone to better protect against wear and the elements. This will create a glossy look over the stone, so it may not be an option for all projects.

Inspect the material once or twice a year to look for signs of damage, wear or fading. You should have repair materials on hand to fix cracks and chips in the stones. You can also fix any gaps or holes in the mortar with pointing mortar.

Avoid the use of harsh chemical cleaners and pressure washers as either will damage the surface material and strip the color from the cultured stones. To clean properly:

Fill a bucket with warm water and add a little vinegar, or dish soap to create a mild detergent solution.

Scrub the stones with a sponge or soft bristle brush wet with the solution. Do not use wire brushes as that will scratch the surface of the stone.

Wipe down, or if outside rinse the veneer with clear water from your garden hose to ensure that no soapy residue remains.

Keywords: culture stones, culture slates, stone wall panels

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