Marble Flooring Adds Style and Class

When you think of art work or beautiful designs you often think of statues and pictures, but marble flooring may be the next best work of art. Marble flooring is a beautiful flooring surface for many situations. This article will look at the various things you should consider if you plan to install this type of flooring surface in your home.
Marble flooring is not for every situation. You may find that bathrooms and kitchens are not the best places for marble flooring as they can stain or crack if a large object is dropped on them.
The hall way will offer your best choice for a marble flooring surface as this is a wonderful material that offers elegance and style. This material is very easy to keep clean as you can sweep it and clean up any stubborn stains with some water and a rag.
Marble Slabs
Slabs of marble are cut from the blocks directly from the quarry. Slabs come in standard thickness of 2 cm (3/4') and 3 cm (1 ΒΌ'), although thicker slabs are also available. Slabs are provided in a range of finishes: Sawn (un-polished), Honed, Polished, Brushed, etc.
Many businesses and churches will install marble flooring in their hallways and entrances as it creates a very nice and stylish tone to the entrance and facility. You can mix and match colors and texture to give a room just the look you are after. Some businesses will even have their logo cut and placed in marble flooring to add class.
If you are considering marble flooring you will want to think about the cost involved. You will most likely want to have this type of flooring professionally installed as it can be rather difficult to work with.
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